What’s the Best Age to Start Orthodontics?

What’s the Best Age to Start Orthodontics?

The best age to begin orthodontic treatment is different for every child, but between ages 9 and 14 is the most common time. The ideal time for a child to begin orthodontic treatment is after they have lost all their baby teeth and before they go through puberty. This is because the teeth become more difficult to shift post-puberty.

Regular Orthodontic Screenings

Your orthodontist can monitor the development of your child’s teeth so that when the time is right to get braces, you’ll know it. Your child should have their first orthodontic screening at age 7, and then once or twice every year. The purpose of these screenings is to make sure their jaw and teeth are growing correctly. If there are any problems, your orthodontist can use interceptive and/or preventative care, like headgear or a palate expander.

Types of Braces

There are now several options for orthodontic care besides metal braces:

  • Ceramic braces. These are made from tooth-colored material, making them less noticeable. They move teeth slightly slower than metal braces and are less durable.

  • Self-ligating braces. These work similarly to metal braces but use clips or doors instead of ties to connect the brackets and wires, and they require less time to tighten or adjust.

  • Clear aligners. These are clear plastic trays that are molded perfectly to your teeth. They are nearly invisible and can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. This can sometimes be a downside because they can be lost or not worn for the appropriate amount of time.

Metal braces are still the fastest and most durable option for any orthodontic treatment.

If you have any questions about beginning orthodontic care for your child, feel free to contact us or stop by Hale Family Dentistry.

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