Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments are a natural way to build strong teeth and fight tooth decay. We are proud to offer fluoride treatments at Hale Family Dental.

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in your teeth, bones, most tap water, some foods, and dietary fluoride supplements. Professional fluoride treatments protect teeth from decay and help repair damaged enamel even in adults.

What is the treatment process?

Fluoride treatments are generally administered following a regular dental cleaning. Your dentist may use a fluoride rinse, foam, gel, or varnish. It can be applied using a mouthwash, swab, tray, or brush. Fluoride treatments have a higher concentration of fluoride than what’s found in water or toothpaste, so they are only given every six months to a year. The process takes just a few minutes, and afterwards you should avoid eating or drinking for at least 30 minutes to allow the fluoride to absorb completely.

What are the benefits?

Some benefits of fluoride include the following:

  • reverses tooth decay

  • slows down enamel erosion

  • helps to rebuild weak tooth enamel

When you eat, bacteria in your mouth break down the sugars and carbs in the food. As part of the process, the bacteria create acids that can erode and weaken your tooth enamel, called demineralization. Weak enamel means your teeth are less protected against cavity-causing bacteria. Fluoride can prevent demineralization, as well as reverse decay by rebuilding the layer of enamel.

Who can benefit from fluoride treatments?

Fluoride treatments can benefit people of all ages, but they are especially recommended for you if you experience any of the following:

  • frequent cavities

  • poor brushing/flossing habits

  • drug or alcohol abuse

  • low saliva production

  • poor diet

  • multiple existing restorations

  • eating disorders

  • infrequent professional dental care

  • orthodontic treatment

For more information about fluoride treatments, visit Hale Family Dental.