Can You Chew Hard Food with Veneers?

Can You Chew Hard Food with Veneers?

If you were not born with nice, bright, uniformly shaped teeth (like most of the world), your dentist can transform your smile with veneers. Veneers are thin, shells of porcelain or composite resin that is permanently bonded to your teeth. They can be used to fix crooked, discolored, oddly shaped or gapped teeth. There is, however, a sacrifice that comes with them: you will need to eliminate some food and drinks from your diet.

Getting veneers usually requires two appointments. Your dentist examines your teeth, prepares them for the veneers and sends you home with temporary veneers. Two to three weeks later, you’ll see your dentist again to have your permanent veneers placed.

Foods to Avoid with Temporary Veneers

While you have the temporary veneers, you should avoid the following:

  • Hard foods, like ice, hard candy, and raw fruit and vegetables

  • Tough meat

  • Toasted bread

  • Foods that stain, like coffee, tea, red wine, tomatoes, or cola

  • Sticky foods, like caramel

Foods to Avoid with Permanent Veneers

        Permanent veneers are much stronger than temporary veneers, but they can become stained. Here’s what not to eat or drink with permanent veneers:

  • Dark liquids—Black tea, black coffee, and red wine will stain your veneers. If you must drink them, sip through a straw to minimize contact with your teeth.

  • Hard or crunchy foods—like ice or hard candy. They can chip or break the veneers.

  • Excessive alcohol—limit your alcohol consumption as it can damage the veneer bonding material.

For more information and to find out if you could be a candidate for veneers, call to schedule an appointment with Hale Family Dentistry today.

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