How Does an Intraoral Camera Work?


Many dental conditions go unnoticed by the individual because they may not cause significant pain, or they don’t have visual signs that can be seen with the naked eye. Because of this, some people have doubts when their dentist gives them a certain diagnosis because they can’t see or feel anything wrong. This is where an intraoral camera comes in handy.

How It Works

An intraoral camera is an imaging device that takes photos and video footage of the inside of your mouth. It is about the size and shape of a large marker. On one end is the camera lens and an LED light, and on the other end is a cord that connects by USB to the computer.

As a dentist moves the camera around inside a patient’s mouth, real-time high-resolution video is cast to the computer screen. The computer is right next to the examination chair, so both the patient and the dentist can see the screen. This allows a dentist to show and explain to a patient problem areas in their mouth, like a crack in a tooth, a broken filling, or bleeding gums.

Intraoral cameras can also capture images of the inside of your mouth, so you and your dentist can examine them in-depth. The images can be arranged with other related images or enlarged to get a closer look. They can be saved to your patient file, so your dentist can track the progress of a treatment or a condition over several years.

Your dentist can send you digital or print copies of these images if you want to keep your own record. They can also send these images to your insurance company as visual proof to support insurance claims.

If you want to experience the benefits of an intraoral camera, ask us about it at your next appointment with Hale Family Dentistry. We’d be happy to show you how it works!

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