What are dental sealants?

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Here at Hale Family Dental, we are happy to offer our patients dental sealants to help prevent cavities and other oral health concerns. If you’re not sure whether sealants are a good option for you, the following information can help you decide!

What are sealants made of?

A sealant is a thin plastic coating applied to each tooth. To help sealants adhere, dentists typically use an acidic gel to bond them to the teeth and harden them with a special curing light.

What are the benefits of sealants?

Sealants protect teeth from developing cavities and help prevent more expensive and painful dental procedures later on. A 2016 study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) showed that on average, children without sealants had nearly three times more cavities than children with sealants!  

Sealants are beneficial for adults as well. If a tooth already shows signs of decay, a sealant may still be a viable option to prevent further damage. Your dentist can help you know which of your teeth would benefit from sealants. 

How long do sealants last?

Sealants are durable and typically last for several years. Your dentist will monitor the condition of your sealants and inform you when they need to be reapplied. 

Are sealants expensive?

The cost of sealants varies, but they generally fall around $30–$40 per tooth. Investing in sealants is often cost-effective over time because of the potential damage they can prevent.

Are sealants harmful in any way?

Sealants do contain BPA, but the amount is too small to be harmful. Sealants are proven to be a safe procedure for both children and adults. 

If you have further questions about dental sealants or would like to know if they’re right for you, please contact Hale Family Dental today at 801-621-1912 or stop by our office!   

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