How Do I Prepare for Braces?

How Do I Prepare for Braces?

Are you stressed about getting braces? You're not alone. Many people have concerns about the changes that come with braces. The good news is that with a little preparation, you can ease these worries and start your orthodontic journey with confidence. Here are some simple tips to prepare for braces: 

  • Schedule a consultation. Scheduling an appointment with your orthodontist can help you to know what to expect and get a possible timeline for your treatment. 

  • Stock up on necessities. Purchase or ask your orthodontist for a supply of orthodontic wax and floss so your mouth can stay comfortable and cavity-free.

  • Clean your teeth.  Before your first braces appointment, make sure to clean your teeth thoroughly for better placement and oral health. 

  • Get other necessary treatments done. Fill any existing cavities and check for wisdom teeth. Your dentist may want to remove your wisdom teeth to avoid problems from them in the future. You might also consider having a cleaning and fluoride treatment done. 

  • Prepare your fridge. You will want to avoid hard, crunchy, and sticky foods throughout your orthodontic treatment. Instead, try stocking up on softer foods like yogurt, smoothies, pudding, and soups. 

  • Expect there to be some discomfort. Because of the constant pressure on your teeth to get them to move, you may experience some soreness. This can be solved with some over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol. When choosing the day you get braces, be aware of any plans that include extensive talking or eating. 

If you are experiencing any additional nerves or curiosity about the process of braces, we can help. To start your orthodontic journey off on the right foot, give our office a call today!

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