How do I care for my dentures?

denture adhesive, denture toothbrush, denture care

Caring for dentures might seem as simple as cleaning them, but if you want dentures to last, there are specific tips and rules to follow. Use the tips below to give your dentures the longest life possible!


Don’t eat particularly hard foods. This can mean big or small, depending on the food. An apple might be alright occasionally when cut up, but uncut would not be. Popcorn, on the other hand, is small and can still get lodged in small spaces, damaging the dentures.

After eating and drinking, it is wise to carefully rinse dentures. This will help prevent food-related decay and warping.


Use a soft denture toothbrush daily to prevent abrasive damage while effectively cleaning. It will also help clean off any remaining denture adhesive.

Soak dentures in a cleansing solution overnight - keeping them wet is vital to their longevity. When you are ready to use them in the morning, rinse the cleaning solution off thoroughly first.


Avoiding certain pitfalls is vital for proper denture care. Avoid whitening products, hot water, and poor oral hygiene. Whitening products are harsh on dentures and do little to improve color. Hot water can warp the fit of dentures. While these two factors might be easy to avoid, poor oral hygiene is difficult.

You might assume that oral hygiene is not as necessary when using dentures, but that is not the case. The bacteria in your mouth can affect your dentures throughout the day. Brush those gums!


Even dentures need visits to the dentist! Your dentist can help ensure your dentures fit and are well-cared for. Visit Hale Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment today.

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