How Do Dentists Treat Sleep Apnea?
Dentists can specialize in an area known as dental sleep medicine. This field educates and trains dentists to treat sleep apnea and loud snoring. Collaborating with doctors, dentists who specialize in dental sleep medicine find the best treatment plan to alleviate a patient’s sleep disorder.
Oral Appliances
One way that dentists can treat sleep apnea is by recommending the use of an oral appliance. After receiving a formal diagnosis, you can visit your dentist to see if you are a candidate for a mandibular advancement device. Also known as a dental sleep device, it fits over your teeth like a mouth guard and pushes the lower jaw forward, thereby holding the airway open for proper breathing. Some mandibular advancement devices are adjustable, so the user can change the fit to be more comfortable. With extended and consistent wear, this appliance strengthens the airway, potentially reducing or eliminating the need to wear it. Another option is a tongue-retaining device. This holds the tongue in a forward position and keeps the airway open, as the tongue is attached to the lower jaw.
To find out if an oral appliance could help treat your sleep disorder, your dentist will examine your teeth, mouth, and temporomandibular joints. If an oral appliance is determined to be beneficial for you, your dentist will take a mold of your teeth. The mold will be sent to a lab where specialists will create the oral appliance.
Your dentist will give you instructions on how to wear the appliance properly and will follow up with you to make sure it is working. The device may be uncomfortable for the first few nights, but it is important to continue wearing it according to your dentist’s instructions in order to see results.
For more information on treating sleep apnea or snoring, call or visit us at Hale Family Dentistry.